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How to reliably disable the ZZ map in vim

I'm trying to disable the ZZ mapping in vim, as I found myself accidentally exiting from vim too much by it when trying to use >> (I use a spanish keyboard).

My attempt is quite obvious:

nnoremap ZZ <Nop>

While it works for my use case, I found that doing Z<wait 1 second>Z still triggers the "save and quit" behavior.

As I understand Vim waits timeoutlen milliseconds and, if that time passes, the map doesn't fire and Vim uses the default ZZ behavior.

My question is, how can I reliably disable ZZ even when timeoutlen passes without changing the timeout config?

While writing the question I began tinkering with an idea, and finally come to this:

nnoremap Z <Nop>
nnoremap ZZ <Nop>

This works always, no matter how you press ZZ ; if you press it and waits, the first map fires and clears the Z , if you don't wait the second fires.

I hope this is useful to someone else.

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