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Why does my code break when I try to attach my methods to the class prototype?

I'm trying to create a button class that toggles a video or image carousel. Whenever I attach my methods to the prototype, my code fails.

I'm attempting to use the Design Pattern: Revealing Prototype Pattern


my code pen: https://codepen.io/Woodenchops/pen/QRzeXX?editors=0010

function playToggle(props) {


  this._parentElement = props.parentElement;
  this._button = props.button;
  this._playing = props.playing;
  this._props = props;
  this._mediaType = props.mediaType;
  this._video_id = props.videoID;
  this._caroursel_id = props.carouselID;


playToggle.prototype = function () {

// methods here


(function () {

  var video = document.querySelectorAll('.container');

  videoArray = [];

  video.forEach(function (vid) {
    videoArray.push(new playToggle({
      parentElement: vid,
      button: '.playpause',
      playing: true,
      mediaType: 'video',
      videoID: '.myVideo'


I have console logged this in the prototype, and it returns the window object instead. I have also tried using bind to bind it to the class - with no luck

You have not defined the prototype properly

playToggle.prototype.thePrototypeName = function() {..}

 var play = new playToggle();

Console Log Result

Object: playToggle {}

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