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How to set cm:title via camel-cmis?

i have to set the Alfresco cm:title property using Apache Camel integration framework. The document is imported correctly in Alfresco but without the cm:title.

I tried to set the aspect cm:titled and after the cm:title property but doesn't work.

My processor method:

List<String> secondary = new ArrayList<String>();
exchange.getIn().getHeaders().put(PropertyIds.CONTENT_STREAM_MIME_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
exchange.getIn().getHeaders().put(PropertyIds.NAME, exchange.getIn().getHeader("file_name"));
exchange.getIn().getHeaders().put(CamelCMISConstants.CMIS_FOLDER_PATH, "/Sites/test/documentLibrary/demo");
exchange.getIn().getHeaders().put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, CamelCMISConstants.CMIS_DOCUMENT);
exchange.getIn().getHeaders().put(PropertyIds.SECONDARY_OBJECT_TYPE_IDS, secondary);
exchange.getIn().getHeaders().put("cm:title", exchange.getIn().getHeader("year"));

Any solution?

Solved using this cmis connection:


Instead of:


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