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Running older version of Node in terminal on Mac

I have had the latest version of node(v12) by running

brew install node

but I want to have the previous version(v10) I have uninstalled node and installed the previous version by running

brew install node@10

now when I run node --version I get nothing. How can I link the node keyword to what now is node@10 on mac?

There is nothing like linking the node keyword to node@10.

The @10 represents the current version of the environment installed.

Check if you have installed Xcode. Node.js and some of its components will rely on Xcode's Command Line Tools package.

You can follow the blog for a correct installation: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-node-js-and-create-a-local-development-environment-on-macos

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