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My javascript loop/ while statement code doesn't work, please help me identify my problem

So apparently according to my teacher I need to refine my syntax and logic. It doesn't make any sense (my code and my thoughts about this whole javascript thing)

var die = Math.random() * 6;        // generate a random number

die = Math.ceil( die );     // round it to between 1 and 6

var counter = 1;

var x = prompt( "What is your first guess?"); // fill x variable with the guess.  Then compare the value in die to the value in x.  What would that code be?

        while (counter < 3)
        if (x==die)
        {alert "Well done you win!"}
        else {
        prompt ("Sorry.  Not the right answer.  Try again");
        counter == counter+1;

var counter = counter+1;

var y = prompt("What is your second guess?"); // second x value

        while (counter ==2)
        if (y==die)
        {alert "Well done"}
        prompt ("Sorry, you were wrong. Last try.");
        counter == counter+1;

var counter = counter+1;

        var z = prompt("What is your third guess?"); // third x value

        while (counter == 3)
        if (z==die)
        {alert "Well done"}
        prompt ("Sorry, you lost.");

The mistake is probably in the line

counter == counter+1;

It should an assignment expression

counter = counter + 1;

Using while loop

A good way to do that is store the strings in a array and then use them in single while loop.

 let arr = ["first","second","third"]; let die = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6); console.log(die); let counter = 0; while(counter < 3){ let input = prompt("What is your " + arr[counter] + " guess?"); if(+input === die){ // +input converts input into a number here alert("You win"); break; } else{ alert("Sorry try again"); } counter++; } 

Using for loop

I would do it using for loop. Because the counter variable is increasing one by one each time.

 let arr = ["first","second","third"]; let die = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6); console.log(die); for(let i = 0;i<3;i++){ let input = prompt("What is your " + arr[i] + " guess?"); if(+input === die){ // +input converts input into a number here alert("You win"); break; } alert("Sorry try again"); } 

Using for..of

We already have an array of length 3 ["first","second","third"] . So we don't need to create a variable for loop and then use it. We can clean up the code the using for..of . I also used template string for a perfect solution

 let arr = ["first","second","third"]; let die = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6); console.log(die); for(let x of arr){ let input = prompt(`What is your ${x} guess?`); if(+input === die){ // +input converts input into a number here alert("You win"); break; } alert("Sorry try again"); } 

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