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Arduino ESP32 DHCP server

I searched how to configure a DHCP server on ESP32 Arduino to distribute addresses for clients that connect to my ESP32 access point, but unfortunately I did not get any source code for that.

Any help?

As long as you use WiFi.softAP() , you do not need to explicitly configure a DHCP server on the ESP32. It will happen automatically - the library looks after it for you.

Here is a minimal example, where - in addition to setting the ESP32 up as an access point - a TCP server is also started on port 80.

WiFiServer server(80);

static const char *ap_ssid = "ESP32-001";
static const char *ap_pass = "temp_pass";

void setup() {

  WiFi.softAP(ap_ssid, ap_pass);
  Serial.print("Access point running. IP address: ");


void loop() {
  WiFiClient client = server.available();

  if (client) {
    String client_ip = client.remoteIP().toString();
    Serial.print("Client connected. IP address = ");
    client.println("Hello ...");

I have attached the serial output in a screenshot below. Notice the

dhcps: send_offer>>udp_sendto result 0



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