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I'm passing a QPixmap to QAbstractButton::setIcon instead of a QIcon, but I'm not getting an error…why?

Just trying to understand why I'm not getting an error here. The QAbstractButton's (well actually I'm using the QPushButton, but I assume it's the same either way) member function setIcon takes a QIcon argument...

The function looks like: void setIcon(const QIcon &icon) and I don't think it's overloaded. So why is it that I can call the function and give it a QPixmap as an argument, but not get an error?

This line: PB->setIcon(QPixmap()); , where PB is a QPushButton object, does not give me an error and I just want to know why because I'm new to C++ and maybe I'm missing something more fundamental. Any help is appreciated!

You don't get an error, because the QPixmap() argument you give to the setIcon() function implicitly converted to a QIcon object. Or, better to say, compiler implicitly creates a QIcon object out of a QPixmap , as the following constructor exists:

QIcon::QIcon(const QPixmap &)

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