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Self stopping EC2 once task complete?

I have a lambda starting an EC2 hourly. The (windows) operating system on the EC2 runs a script on startup. The task can take anything from 1 minute to 45 minutes. I would like the EC2 to stop once the script has run.

I can think of one way to achieve this. I could install the aws cli on the EC2 itself and run something like aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids i-07c1849fe7abcdef . Doing so feels weird. Is there a better way?


For complete clarity, I don't want to simply set a timer on the instance. Say I set a 45 minute timer, I would pay for 45 mniutes even when the task only takes 3 minutes. I would like the instance to stop immediately after the script has run, no matter how long the script took to run.

Your instance can use the operating system command to Power Off .

On Linux, it would be:

sudo shutdown now -h

(The -h means Halt, which will trigger the power-off. If not included, the operating system will stop but the instance will keep running.)

This can be used in conjunction with the Instance Initiated Shutdown Behavior , which can either:

  • Stop the instance (sounds like what you seek)
  • Terminate the instance (good if a new instance is launched each time)


No IAM permissions are required for this method.

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