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How to parse and modify xml data using python lxml

I need to modify the XML tag values using lxml (Author and Description) by parsing through xml files. below is the input file I am using and the output file I need. Below is the code I am using:

input xml file:

<Description>ABC DATA</Description>  

Required output file:

<Description>DEF DATA</Description>  

from lxml import etree  
root = etree.parse(r"C:\Users\input\input.xml")  
    for elem in root.xpath('.//Author'): 
    elem.text = "DEF"  
    root.write("output.xml", pretty_print=True,xml_declaration=True,encoding="UTF-8")

This should work

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

xml = '''<root>
        <Description>ABC DATA</Description>  
        <Description>ABC DATA</Description>  

tree = ET.fromstring(xml)
for author in tree.findall('.//Summary/Author'):
    author.text = 'new author value goes here'
for desc in tree.findall('.//Summary/Description'):
    desc.text = 'new desc value goes here'

# call the line below if you need to save to a file
# tree.write(open('new_file.xml', 'w'))


        <Author>new author value goes here</Author>  
        <Description>new desc value goes here</Description>  
        <Author>new author value goes here</Author>  
        <Description>new desc value goes here</Description>  

If you are only looking to replace each occurance of "ABC" with "DEF" but otherwise leave the text as-is, this should do it:

dat = [your input above]

nodes = ['Author','Description']
for node in nodes:
    for elem in root.xpath(f'.//{node}'): 
        elem.text = elem.text.replace("ABC","DEF")  

The output is your desired output.

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