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Print session scoped attribute setted from a Servlet in a JSP page via JSTL

I want to set a session scoped value from a Java Servlet and print it to a JSP page using JSTL.

This is what I have tryed:

Added dependency in pom.xml:



Set attribute from Servlet:

    if (error) {
        HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
        session.setAttribute("failureReason", "test error");

Now, from test.jsp page if I write:

<c:out value="HERE"/>

I see the output on the page, how can I retrieve my failureReason attribute? This is all the way that I have already tryed:

        <c:if test="${not empty failureReason}">
            <c:out value="HERE"/>

        <c:if test="${not empty sessionScope.failureReason}">
            <c:out value="HERE"/>

        <c:if test="${sessionScope.failureReason != null}">
            <c:out value="HERE"/>

        <c:if test="${failureReason != null}">
            <c:out value="HERE"/>

        <c:if test="${!empty sessionScope.failureReason}">
            <c:out value="HERE"/>

        <c:if test="${!empty failureReason}">
            <c:out value="HERE"/>

Nothing seems to work.

Solved. I've edited the web.xml as follows:

    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"

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