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How to calculate the mean and standard deviation of similarity matrix?

I am working with CSV files and I have a code that calculates the similarity between the documents. Post 1 provide the code and details of data and output is as follow:

The data.csv looks as:

idx         messages
112  I have a car and it is blue
114  I have a bike and it is red
115  I don't have any car
117  I don't have any bike

The output is:

    id     112    114    115    117
    112  100.0   78.0   51.0   50.0
    114   78.0  100.0   47.0   54.0
    115   51.0   47.0  100.0   83.0
    117   50.0   54.0   83.0  100.0

Now I would like to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the lower triangular of the similarity matrix (since both upper and lower are similar) without the identity data (100.0).

I tried to use the panda built-in mean and std as:

df_std = df.std()
df_Mean = df.mean()

But this considers all the data in the output like identity and upper triangular.

I would like to know if there is any way that I can calculate the mean and standard deviation the way that I mentioned.

Use numpy.tril with k=-1 and make 0s np.nan :

import numpy as np

ltri = np.tril(df.values, -1)
ltri = ltri[np.nonzero(ltri)]


array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [78.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [51., 47.,  0.,  0.],
       [50., 54., 83.,  0.]])

And now you can do ltri.std() , ltri.mean() :

ltri.std(), ltri.mean()
# (14.361406616345072, 60.5)

You can do it with mask all of the unwanted value as np.nan

112    59.666667
114    50.500000
115    83.000000
117          NaN
dtype: float64
112    15.885003
114     4.949747
115          NaN
117          NaN
dtype: float64

After mask the value

      112   114   115  117
112   NaN   NaN   NaN  NaN
114  78.0   NaN   NaN  NaN
115  51.0  47.0   NaN  NaN
117  50.0  54.0  83.0  NaN

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