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RealityKit – Set text programmatically of an Entity of Reality Composer

In my iOS app I want to introduce a part of AR using the new Reality Composer.

In my project I load a scene with this code:

let arView = ARView.init(frame: frame)

// Configure the AR session for horizontal plane tracking.

let arConfiguration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
arConfiguration.planeDetection = .horizontal
arView.session.delegate = self


Experience.loadSceneAsync{ [weak self] scene, error in

print("Error \(String(describing: error))")

guard let scene = scene else { return }


// THIS IS THE entity that i want to edit programmatically

The "scene.label" is a text object in my scene and I want to set text programmatically.

How can I do that? It's possible?

Thanks in advance

In RealityKit framework, use the following type method for generating 3D text:

static func generateText(_ string: String, 
                   extrusionDepth: Float, 
                             font: MeshResource.Font, 
                   containerFrame: CGRect, 
                        alignment: CTTextAlignment, 
                    lineBreakMode: CTLineBreakMode) -> MeshResource

Let's see how a real code looks like:

let textAnchor = try! SomeText.loadTextScene()

let textEntity: Entity = textAnchor.vacation!.children[0].children[0]

var textModelComponent = (textEntity.components[ModelComponent])!

textModelComponent.mesh = .generateText("Hello, World!",
                         extrusionDepth: 0.01,
                                   font: .systemFont(ofSize: 0.25),
                         containerFrame: CGRect.zero,
                              alignment: .center,
                          lineBreakMode: .byCharWrapping)


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