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Docker compose with MongoDB (and Microsoft Azure)

I'm trying to launch an app on Microsoft Azure using docker-compose file. This is the error I'm getting in the logs

2019-06-18T18:12:55.319003252Z Successfully added user: {
2019-06-18T18:12:55.361353763Z     "user" : "myuser1",
2019-06-18T18:12:55.361371063Z     "roles" : [
2019-06-18T18:12:55.361387163Z         {
2019-06-18T18:12:55.361392063Z             "role" : "root",
2019-06-18T18:12:55.361396763Z             "db" : "admin"
2019-06-18T18:12:55.361401363Z         }
2019-06-18T18:12:55.361405563Z     ]
2019-06-18T18:12:55.361409964Z }
2019-06-18T18:12:55.367946981Z 2019-06-18T18:12:55.331+0000 E -        [main] Error saving history file: FileOpenFailed: Unable to open() file /home/mongodb/.dbshell: Unknown error
2019-06-18T18:12:55.399413964Z 2019-06-18T18:12:55.389+0000 I NETWORK  [conn2] end connection (0 connections now open)
2019-06-18T18:12:55.465992339Z /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh: ignoring /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*
2019-06-18T18:12:58.011530247Z 2019-06-18T18:12:58.011+0000 I CONTROL  [main] ***** SERVER RESTARTED *****

This is how my part for mongoDB looks like in docker-compose.yml :

version: '3'
  ...other services
    image: mongo:latest
    container_name: my-mongo
    restart: unless-stopped
      - my-mongo:/data/db
      - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysupersecretpassword
      - 27017:27017
      - myservices-net

The whole docker-compose file works locally on my machine, but it does not want to work on Microsoft Azure.

I've found this issue on GitHub but I'm not really sure how to apply the changes to my docker-compose file. Would really appreciate any help here!

For your issue, the possible reason would be that the networks property is not supported in the compose file in Azure Web App. You can see all the Compose options supported and unsupported.

Supported options

  • command
  • entrypoint
  • environment
  • image
  • ports
  • restart
  • services
  • volumes

Unsupported options

  • build (not allowed)
  • depends_on (ignored)
  • networks (ignored)
  • secrets (ignored)
  • ports other than 80 and 8080 (ignored)

For more details, see Docker Compose options .

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