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Powermock can't mock static class

I have a class with code similar to :

public class class1{
    private static final ConfigurationService config = Util.getInstance(ConfigurationService.class);

    private SendQueueMessages sender;

    public void start() throws LifecycleException{

        final ActiveMq activemq = config.getConfiguration().getActiveMq();
        sender = new SendQueueMessages(activemq.getQueueName());

Elsewhere in the program Guice is being used to bind the configuration service and Util like so:

Util.register(new ThingICantChange(){
    protected void configure (){


Is this possible to unit test? I was initially trying to use JUnit 5 and mockito, but it became apparent that I needed to mock static classes/methods (IoCUtils) and switched to JUnit4 for PowerMock.

I have tried:

public class Class1Test{
    public void canStart(){
        when(Util.getInstance(ConfigurationService.class)).thenReturn(new ConfigurationService);
        Class1 class = new Class1();

However this just gives me an error about Util not prepared for test. Changing mockStatic() to PowerMockito.spy() did get me to the when, but then throws a null pointer error.

I found a solution, though I have mixed feelings about it.

Using the Util.register (the 2nd code block) I registered a configuration service implementation that created the mock objects. This worked and let me test the start() method, but feels kind of against the idea of a unit test.

public class ConfigServiceTest implements ConfigurationService{

    public Configuration getConfiguration() {
        Configuration conf = mock(Configuration.class);
        ActiveMq amq = mock(ActiveMq.class);


        return conf;
    //other methods just allowed to return null

Then in the test:

Util.register(new thingICantChange(){
    protected void configure (){

class1 service = new class1();

Assert.assertEquals(true, true);

start is void and not int a new thread so Assert.assertEquals(true,true) is the best anyone around me knew to check that start ran. Mockito/PowerMock times(1) would require a mock of class1 which seems rather counter to a unit test to see IF it can run.

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