简体   繁体   中英

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'languages/Array.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear/')

I posting link here : project website http://www.stolarstvofatura.sk/

I got on the top ofindex page php tags

I checked the path and everything.. everything is okay i dont know where is problem

This is on index page -

   include 'config.php';

This is on config page which is on same dir like index


if (!isset($_SESSION['lang'])) {
    $_SESSION['lang'] = "sk";
} else if (isset($_GET['lang']) && $_SESSION['lang'] != 
$_GET['lang'] && !empty($_GET['lang']) ) {
    if ($_GET['lang'] == "sk") {
        $_SESSION['lang'] = "sk";
    } else if($_GET['lang'] == "en") {
        $_SESSION['lang'] = "en";

require_once "languages/" . $_SESSION['lang'] . ".php";

I expected no errors

You can probably simplify the logic used to select the language and, so long as yu start the session at the beginning of each page ( as here ) then clicking "about us" or whatever should not affect the language chosen.


    /* config.php */


    $languages=array('en','sk','de'); # 3 language options

    if( !isset( $_SESSION[ $svar ] ) )$_SESSION[ $svar ]=$default;
    if( isset( $_GET[ $qvar ] ) && in_array( strtolower( $_GET[ $qvar ] ), $languages ) ) $_SESSION[ $svar ]=strtolower( $_GET[ $qvar ] );

    $languagefile = sprintf( '%s/languages/%s.php', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $_SESSION[ $svar ] );
    require realpath( $languagefile );


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