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Binding between variable of html in string and a Model Class with Spring Boot

I want to create a binding between variables of html string and a Model Class for a spring boot app and then i will return a html page. Here what I need:

 @PostMapping(path = {"/hashmap"})
    public String GetHtmlPage(@RequestBody Owner owner) {

        String htmlPage=contractsRepository.getById(1);

        //i need a solution like "binding" method. 
        //but i don't know which library i can use and
        //how can i do this implementation
        String htmlPageAfterBinding=binding(htmlPage,owner);        

        return htmlPageAfterBinding;

htmlPage will include a string like this:

  <p th:text="'Hello, ' + ${name} + '!'" />

  <tr th:each="book : ${books}">
        <td><span th:text="${book.title}"> Title </span></td>
        <td><span th:text="${book.author}"> Author </span></td>

and i will send a json request like this


my model classes like these

  class Owner{
    String name;
    Book[] books;

  class Book{
    String title;
    String author;

What kind of a solution do you suggest to me? Thanks for your helps.

You can use the StringTemplateResolver of Thymeleaf to handle templates that are coming from a database.

For example:

public TemplateEngine stringTemplateEngine(StringTemplateResolver resolver) {
    TemplateEngine templateEngine = new TemplateEngine();
    return templateEngine;

public StringTemplateResolver stringTemplateResolver() {
    StringTemplateResolver resolver = new StringTemplateResolver();
    return resolver;

After that, you can write something like this within your controllers:

public String getResult(ModelMap modelMap) {
    Owner owner = new Owner("bookowner", Arrays.asList(
        new Book("title1", "author1"),
        new Book("title2", "author2")
    modelMap.addAttribute("owner", owner);

        "<p th:text=\"'Hello, ' + ${owner.name} + '!'\" />" +
        "<table>" +
            "<tr><th>Title</th><th>Author</th></tr>" +
            "<tr th:each=\"book : ${owner.books}\">" +
                "<td><span th:text=\"${book.title}\">Title</span></td>" +
                "<td><span th:text=\"${book.author}\">Author</span></td>" +
            "</tr>" +

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