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White/Blank screen on iOS device, but work just fine on Simulator and Android

I have a Flutter app that is almost just the basic Android Studio template. When I run the app on the Android emulator or the iOS simulator it works just fine and displays my widgets, and when I make a release build for Android it also works just fine, but when I make a release build for iOS and run it on a iPhone I am only seeing a white/blank screen with no widgets displayed. I have googled this and tried with flutter clean before my build but I can not figure out why this is happening. Please any ideas here?

I have now also tried running on the device from the XCode workspace, there I also get a white/blank screen and this in the console log:

2019-06-25 11:10:43.248687+0200 Runner[513:22949] Failed to find snapshot: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/B27448A1-A487-44FC-B6F7-CCFBDFCBB0AD/Runner.app/Frameworks/App.framework/flutter_assets/kernel_blob.bin
2019-06-25 11:10:43.533596+0200 Runner[513:22949] You've implemented -[<UIApplicationDelegate> application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler:], but you still need to add "fetch" to the list of your supported UIBackgroundModes in your Info.plist.
2019-06-25 11:10:43.533634+0200 Runner[513:22949] You've implemented -[<UIApplicationDelegate> application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:], but you still need to add "remote-notification" to the list of your supported UIBackgroundModes in your Info.plist.
2019-06-25 11:10:43.538915+0200 Runner[513:23047] [VERBOSE-2:engine.cc(115)] Engine run configuration was invalid.
2019-06-25 11:10:43.539130+0200 Runner[513:23047] [VERBOSE-2:FlutterEngine.mm(304)] Could not launch engine with configuration.
2019-06-25 11:10:43.539359+0200 Runner[513:23071] flutter: Observatory listening on

I have ziped my entire project here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8olmovqjquxveg/thisisit.zip?dl=0

Thank you

please go product>scheme>Edit Schema and select Build Configuration "Release"


and then


React-native =>
First Paste Code In AppDelegate

// return [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];
return [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index" fallbackResource:nil];
return [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"] //[RNGoogleSignin application:application openURL:url options:options];

If you are using provison_profile in xcode for creating build then check provison_profile in appledeveloper account that is valid or not, if not valid then click on this and edit provison_profile & save and donwload & install in your mac.

Now you can create build.

解决方案是删除 ios 文件夹并通过在项目文件夹上调用“flutter create”来重新创建它。

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