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React hooks: How do I update state on a nested object with useState()?

I have a component that receives a prop that looks like this:

const styles = {
    font: {
        size: {
            value: '22',
            unit: 'px'
        weight: 'bold',
        color: '#663300',
        family: 'arial',
        align: 'center'

I'm trying to update the align property, but when I try to update the object, I wind up replacing the whole object with just the align property.

this is how I'm updating it:

const { ...styling } = styles;
const [style, setStyle] = useState(styling);

return (
            onChange={(event) => {
                setStyle({ ...style, font: { align: event.target.value } });

When I console.log style I just get {"font":{"align":"left"}} back. I expected to see the whole object with the updated value for align . I'm new to destructuring so what am I doing wrong here?

You need to use spread syntax to copy the font object properties too. Also while trying to update current state based on previous, use the callback pattern

  onChange={(event) => { 
    setStyle(prevStyle => ({
        font: { ...prevStyle.font, align: event.target.value }

This is your mistake

    font: { align: event.target.value } // This code replace the font object

To preserve the all font object values, you can do like this

const onChange = (event) => {
    const s = {...style};
    s.font.align = event.target.value;


const onChange = (event) => {
        font: {
            ...style.font, // Spread the font object to preserve all values
            align: event.target.value

If you have multiple values in a nested object, try this method below:

  postDetails: {
    [event.target.name]: event.target.value,

you can update the styles in this manner

onChange={(event) => {
    const s = {...styles};
    s.font.align = event.target.value;

Your code for default useState is invalid. You should write like below for default useState:

  const { ...styling } = styles;
  const [style, setStyle] = useState({ styling }); // styling should be use in {}

return (
          onChange={event => {
              font: { ...styling.font, align: event.target.value }

Demo: check this demo with console.log .

编辑 awesome-diffie-pflqz

First: const { ...styling } = styles; is the same as: const styling = styles;

But you may skip that altogether, just use [...] = useState(styles)

setStyle() accepts a function which receives the current state, in your case style. So you may use the spread operator ... to create new object and add values to it.

setStyle(style => ({ ...style, font: { ...style.font, align: event.target.value } ) ) );

Above code uses Arrow function, this could also be written as a normal function, but probably easier to understand:

setStyle( function (style) {
    return  {
        font: {
            align: 'center'

Your console.log in setStyle displays current style, as changed style will be seen on next render. So I've moved the console.log before return.

const [style, setStyle] = useState(styles);


return (
            onChange={(event) => {
                setStyle(style => ({ ...style, font: { ...style.font, align: event.target.value } ) ) );

Here are some links to help you understand all that:

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