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Javascript array.push replacing previously added elements

I'm filling in an array with objects. Each time the for loop iterates, it's updating the previous items of the array.

I've tried with various types of loops like for-each, for and for of.

var arrResult = new Array;

for (let element of accessoriesToDisplay) {
    var obj = {};
    var obj = await AdaptiveCardImporter.accessoryCard(element.Name,
     element.Price, element.ProductDescription, element.URL, element.ImgURL);

This array should have 3 different objects at the end and not the array filled in with just the last one. This code was working before I moved the accessoryCard method outside the main js file.



Loop 2


You code concept is fine. You code should execute normally, but you problem lies with your await - something there isn't right. For example this recreation of your code works:

 const getObj = e => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve({val:e}), 300)) async function main() { var arrResult = [] var accessoriesToDisplay = [1, 2, 3] for (let element of accessoriesToDisplay) { var obj = await getObj(element) console.log(obj) arrResult.push(obj); } console.log(arrResult) } main() 

But your code does not. Try console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)) on each loop iteration to check if the object returned is actually the object you are looking for - chrome likes to help out by automatically updating the value.

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