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How do I insert an additional JS script for each element in an array using jQuery?

I'm trying to add a "Book Preview" button using the Google Embedded Viewer API. I want to add the button to each book result the user gets. When I add the script to the list using .append , the script erases everything and when the I submit a search query everything disappears and I only see the preview button.

I tried putting the <script> part in the HTML file, but when I did that the function appeared as plain text. I also tried putting the script in a separate file and using $.getScript , but that isn't doing anything. I also tried appending the script to a separate div, but that didn't work either. When I put the script directly in the HTML file, it doesn't erase everything but also doesn't work with the array data.

main JS file:

function displayResults(responseJson, maxResults) {

    console.log(`displayResults ran`);

    for (let i = 0; i < responseJson.items.length & i < maxResults; i++){

          <img src="${responseJson.items[i].volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail} alt="The book">

          <a href="${responseJson.items[i].saleInfo.buyLink}">Buy this Book</a>


          <input type="submit" class="preview-button" id="book-preview" value="Preview This Book">



linked file/button code:

    <script type="text/javascript" 
    <script type="text/javascript">

The expected result is a button under each book search result that will display the hard-coded book preview. There is currently no actual result. I added in the "preview book" button in case I have to do it that way but that's not actually how I want it.

https://books.google.com/books/previewlib.js only needs to be included once before your loop starts.

You just need to call GBS_insertPreviewButtonPopup for each element you create in the loop, you don't need to inject a script block into the html to call it.

Straight after you call the append to the results-list you can call the GBS_insertPreviewButtonPopup in your loop.

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