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No module named 'tensorflow_probability'

I need to use Tensorflow and Tensorflow_Probability. After installing it by these commands: conda install tensorflow-probability or pip install --upgrade tensorflow-probability , I ran it in the notebook:

import tensorflow_probability as tfp

but it returns this error:

    ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-41494c8c96ff> in <module>
----> 1 import tensorflow_probability as tfp

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow_probability'.

The results of

pip list

is as below (related parts):

tblib                              1.3.2
tensorboard                        1.13.1
tensorflow                         1.13.1
tensorflow-estimator               1.13.0
tensorflow-probability             0.7.0
termcolor                          1.1.0
terminado                          0.8.1
testpath                           0.4.2
tfp-nightly                        0.8.0.dev20190708
Theano                             1.0.4
toolz                              0.9.0

Can anyone help me to solve this problem (I am using Win 10)?

Your versions are correct and your command is correct too.

Seems like inconsistency in other module is causing this.

run the following commands and try again:

pip install -U dm-sonnet==1.23
pip install --upgrade tfp-nightly

References: https://github.com/deepmind/graph_nets/issues/3 https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/issues/103

tensorflow-probability 0.7.0 is not compatible with: tensorflow 1.13.1 check the tensoflow-probability version release page https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/releases

Correct solution will be either to upgrade tensorflow to 1.14.0 or downgrade tensorflow-probability to 0.6.0

pip install -U tensorflow-probability==0.6.0

如上一个答案,您必须通过此页面找到与您的 TensorFlow 版本兼容的版本: https : //github.com/tensorflow/probability/releases

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