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How to add resource folder to classpath in Java command line options

I am trying to run Junit test cases from command line.

I fire my tests in windows system from a folder D:\\WorkSpace\\Testspace\\MyProject\\target like this :

java -cp "classes;junit;dependency\*"  org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.abc.TestA

This is a maven project. It throws the following error :

2019-07-09T17:59:41.330 ERROR [com.abc.IOUtil] - FileNotFoundException Occurredjava.io.FileNotFoundException: D:\WorkSpace\Testspace\MyProject\target\cde\FGH\SomeRandomFile.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)IOUtil

This cde folder containing the xmls is also inside the target folder from which I am firing my test commands.

Is there any way to include the resource files in java command line?

In your source code, use the following construct:

package com.foo.package;

public class Example {
    public void loadResourceExample) {

The first line will load resource "/cde/FGH/SomeRandomFile.xml" from any folder or jar mentioned in the classpath, so in your example command line, D:\\WorkSpace\\Testspace\\MyProject\\target\\classes\\cde\\FGH\\SomeRandomFile.xml would for example be scanned.

The second line takes the package name of your class into account, so, it would for example check at D:\\WorkSpace\\Testspace\\myProject\\dependency\\somedep.jar for entry /com/foo/package/relative/example.xml .

Note that the * syntax in the -cp parameter will take every JAR inside the stated folder and include it in the classpath. That's all it does.

If you are not using the getResource , you're dependent on the 'current working directory' which can be anything, really, and the -cp parameter wouldn't have any effect.

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