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Async feature in Servlets

I was just going back to Servlet-3.x features and exploring it. If I am not wrong, before Servlet-3.x it was thread per request model and it would run out of threads in the pool, for heavy incoming traffic.

So, with Servlet-3.x it says it is Asynchronous and doesn't keep the threads blocked , rather releases them immediately but just the task is delegated.

Here is my interpretation,

consider there are 2 threads in Server thread-pool

For a new Async Servlet request R1 there is a thread T1 , this T1 would delegate the task to T2 and T1 responds back to client immediately.

Question: Is T2 created from Server thread-pool? If so, I don't get the point.

  • Case 1: If it was old Synchronous Servlet request T1 would have been busy running I/O task,

  • Case 2: If it was Asynchronous Servlet call T2 is busy running I/O task.

  • In both cases, one of them is busy.

I tried to check the same with a sample Async servlet in openliberty app server, below is the sample log captured from my sample demo Servlet.

Entering doGet() == thread name is = Default Executor-thread-116
Exiting doGet() == thread name is = Default Executor-thread-116
=== Long running task started ===
Thread executing @start of long running task = Default Executor-thread-54
Thread executing @end of long running task = Default Executor-thread-54
=== Long running task ended ===

As shown above, the Default Executor-thread-116 is released immediately and delegated long running task to the Default Executor-thread-54 , but I am not sure if they are from the App Server thread pool. If so, why can't just Default Executor-thread-116 do the task instead of delegation?

Can someone throw some light on this async behavior of Servlets in JavaEE

In your example, where the work is synchronous and there's no separate executor/threadpool, there is nearly no point to use async servlets. Lots of samples/examples out there are just block on a 2nd thread because they're trying to illustrate just the syntax.

But there's no reason why you can't spin off a thread to do a little work, add your async context to some list, and then after some event (inbound JMS, websocket, whatever) provides the data needed to complete the async response. For example, a 2-player game server wouldn't wait for player 2 in a second thread, it would just have their async context floating around in memory waiting for a 2nd player to find it.

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