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Deploying Django using Nginx Docker Container

Situation: I have a Django Application that I want to deploy, the tools I use for this one are Nginx, Gunicorn, and all of them are inside a docker container using Docker Desktop.

Problem: I'm able to view the django app locally using the IP of my docker, IP of my machine, and Loopback IP. However when I try to access it from my laptop(another machine connected on same wifi), I can't access it.

My Machine: Windows 10, I have already enable the expose of port 80 in the windows firewall inbound and outbound.

Steps Taken: I've tried doing python -m http.server 80 on my machine, and it's working perfectly fine so I'm sure there is something to do maybe on my Hyper-V of docker desktop or maybe nginx configuration

My docker-compose file

version: '3'


    build: .
      - .:/opt/services/dashboard/src
      - static_volume:/opt/services/dashboard/src/static
    networks:  # <-- here
      - nginx_network

    image: nginx:1.13
      - ./config/nginx/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d
      - static_volume:/opt/services/dashboard/src/static
      - dashboard
    networks:  # <-- here
      - nginx_network

networks:  # <-- and here
    driver: bridge

  static_volume:  # <-- declare the static volume

My dockerfile

# start from an official image
FROM python:3.6

# arbitrary location choice: you can change the directory
RUN mkdir -p /opt/services/dashboard/src
WORKDIR /opt/services/dashboard/src

# install our two dependencies
RUN pip install gunicorn django requests jira python-dateutil

# copy our project code
COPY . /opt/services/dashboard/src

# expose the port 80

# define the default command to run when starting the container
CMD ["gunicorn", "--bind", ":80", "dashboard.wsgi:application"]

My nginx config file

# first we declare our upstream server, which is our Gunicorn application
upstream dashboard_server {
    # docker will automatically resolve this to the correct address
    # because we use the same name as the service: "djangoapp"
    server dashboard:80;

# now we declare our main server
server {

    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        # everything is passed to Gunicorn
        proxy_pass http://dashboard_server;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_redirect off;

    location /static/ {
        alias /opt/services/dashboard/src/static/;

Here is an image of my folder structure. Image of folder structure

QUESTION: How do I atleast make it viewable on my laptop which is connected through the same Wifi as my desktop machine? I've tried accesing it using the IP of my machine.


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