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Is there an alternative for --rebaseRootRelativeCssUrls option in Angular CLI 8?

I had a lot of issues because my application is hosted inside a subfolder and for that reason the relative /assets/ path, which is referenced inside .scss files, doesn't work. The solution was to enable the --rebaseRootRelativeCssUrls option to get the expected behaviour. With that option, the build process has adjusted my /assets/ paths by injecting the "--base-href" value and now the referenced images and fonts are loading correctly.

However, I see in the documentation that the option is deprecated and it will be removed in the next major release.

https://angular.io/cli/build (search for --rebaseRootRelativeCssUrls )

So my question is, what is the alternative, is there any other way to get the same result?

According to the release notes, the recommended method for transition is using relative URLs in your .scss files. This, to me, seems like a bad idea though. Here's a comment from the dev team on a bug logged about this issue.


Inside your angular.json you can set multiple assetsfolder

   "build": {
      "options": {
        "assets": [
            "glob": "**/*",
            "input": "src/the/other/folder/assets",
            "output": "./assets"

this lets you have multiple assetsfolder.

I solved it by use path in this way:

background-image: url('../../../assets/images/icon.png');

Instead of this way:

background-image: url('/src/assets/images/img.png');

If your project is deployed in a subfolder you can pass that information to your build command

I suggest you to take a look at --base-href

In development, you typically start the server in the folder that holds index.html. That's the root folder and you'd add near the top of index.html because / is the root of the app.

But on the shared or production server, you might serve the app from a subfolder. For example, when the URL to load the app is something like mysite.com/my/app/, the subfolder is my/app/ and you should add to the server version of the index.html.

You can modify the production base href with the following command:

ng build --prod --base-href /subfolder/

You can also set base-href to ./ which means the current directory in opposite to / which stands for root directory.

Another possible solution would be to change href in your main index.html

<base href="./">

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