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Possible issue with Publish subscribe Channel

I have an application that monitors FTP folder for a specific csv file foo.csv , once the file is located it pulls it to my local and generate a new output format bar.csv, the application then will send the new file finalBEY.csv back to the FTP folder and erase it from local.

Now that I have introduced a process using publishSubscribeChannel where it transforms the file to a message then uses jobLaunchingGateway that will read finalBEY.csv using batch and print it to the consol, it is not working since the finalBEY.csv is being deleted from the local forlder after sending it back to FTP, I'm using .channel("nullChannel") on the jobLaunchingGateway within the first subscribe which suppose to hold it until having a reply from the batch and then moves to the next subscribe which will send it to the ftp and remove it from local, but seems it is not the case where it is removing it from local and thus the batch is not finding finalBEY.csv and throws an error that I'm pasting below with the code.

If I remove the advice from the second subscribe it works fine as this will not delete it from local anymore.

Can you please assist on this matter?

public IntegrationFlow localToFtpFlow(Branch myBranch) {

        return IntegrationFlows.from(Files.inboundAdapter(new File(myBranch.getBranchCode()))
                        .filter(new ChainFileListFilter<File>()
                                .addFilter(new RegexPatternFileListFilter("final" + myBranch.getBranchCode() + ".csv"))
                                .addFilter(new FileSystemPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter(metadataStore(dataSource), "foo"))),//FileSystemPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter
                e -> e.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(10_000)))
                .enrichHeaders(h ->h.headerExpression("file_originalFile", "new java.io.File('"+ myBranch.getBranchCode() +"/FEFOexport" + myBranch.getBranchCode() + ".csv')",true))
                .transform(p -> {
                    LOG.info("Sending file " + p + " to FTP branch " + myBranch.getBranchCode());
                    return p;

                .transform(m -> {
                            LOG.info("Adding factory to delegation");
                            return m;
                .publishSubscribeChannel(s ->
                        s.subscribe(f ->f.transform(fileMessageToJobRequest())
                        .subscribe(h -> h.handle(Ftp.outboundAdapter(createNewFtpSessionFactory(myBranch), FileExistsMode.REPLACE)
                                         .remoteDirectory(myBranch.getFolderPath()), e -> e.advice(expressionAdvice()))))


    public FileMessageToJobRequest fileMessageToJobRequest(){
        FileMessageToJobRequest fileMessageToJobRequest = new FileMessageToJobRequest();
        return fileMessageToJobRequest;

    public JobLaunchingGateway jobLaunchingGateway() {
        SimpleJobLauncher simpleJobLauncher = new SimpleJobLauncher();
        simpleJobLauncher.setTaskExecutor(new SyncTaskExecutor());
        JobLaunchingGateway jobLaunchingGateway = new JobLaunchingGateway(simpleJobLauncher);

        return jobLaunchingGateway;

    * Creating the advice for routing the payload of the outbound message on different expressions (success, failure)
    * @return Advice

    public Advice expressionAdvice() {
        ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice advice = new ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice();
        advice.setOnSuccessExpressionString("payload.delete() + ' was successful'");
        //advice.setOnSuccessExpressionString("inputMessage.headers['file_originalFile'].renameTo(new java.io.File(payload.absolutePath + '.success.to.send'))");
        advice.setOnFailureExpressionString("payload + ' was bad, with reason: ' + #exception.cause.message");
        return advice;

Here is the error and as you can see the first lines show that it is transferred to FTP and then initiated the batch job while in the subscribe should do the batch first...

 INFO 10452 --- [ask-scheduler-2] o.s.integration.ftp.session.FtpSession   : File has been successfully renamed from: /ftp/erbranch/EDMS/FEFO/finalBEY.csv.writing to /ftp/erbranch/EDMS/FEFO/finalBEY.csv

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Input resource must exist (reader is in 'strict' mode): file [C:\Java Programs\spring4ftpappftp\BEY\finalBEY.csv]
    at org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemReader.doOpen(FlatFileItemReader.java:251) ~[spring-batch-infrastructure-4.0.1.RELEASE.jar:4.0.1.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.batch.item.support.AbstractItemCountingItemStreamItemReader.open(AbstractItemCountingItemStreamItemReader.java:146) ~[spring-batch-infrastructure-4.0.1.RELEASE.jar:4.0.1.RELEASE]
    ... 123 common frames omitted

Debugging code:

2019-07-15 10:43:02.838  INFO 4280 --- [ask-scheduler-2] o.s.integration.ftp.session.FtpSession   : File has been successfully transferred to: /ftp/erbranch/EDMS/FEFO/finalBEY.csv.writing
2019-07-15 10:43:02.845  INFO 4280 --- [ask-scheduler-2] o.s.integration.ftp.session.FtpSession   : File has been successfully renamed from: /ftp/erbranch/EDMS/FEFO/finalBEY.csv.writing to /ftp/erbranch/EDMS/FEFO/finalBEY.csv
2019-07-15 10:43:02.845 DEBUG 4280 --- [ask-scheduler-2] o.s.b.f.s.DefaultListableBeanFactory     : Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'integrationEvaluationContext'
2019-07-15 10:43:02.848 DEBUG 4280 --- [ask-scheduler-2] o.s.b.f.s.DefaultListableBeanFactory     : Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'success.input'
2019-07-15 10:43:02.849 DEBUG 4280 --- [ask-scheduler-2] o.s.integration.channel.DirectChannel    : preSend on channel 'success.input', message: AdviceMessage [payload=true was successful, headers={id=eca55e1d-918e-3334-afce-66f8ab650748, timestamp=1563176582848}, inputMessage=GenericMessage [payload=BEY\finalBEY.csv, headers={file_originalFile=BEY\FEFOexportBEY.csv, id=a2f029b0-2609-1a11-67ef-4f56c7dd0752, file_name=finalBEY.csv, file_relativePath=finalBEY.csv, timestamp=1563176582787}]]
2019-07-15 10:43:02.849 DEBUG 4280 --- [ask-scheduler-2] o.s.i.t.MessageTransformingHandler       : success.org.springframework.integration.transformer.MessageTransformingHandler#0 received message: AdviceMessage [payload=true was successful, headers={id=eca55e1d-918e-3334-afce-66f8ab650748, timestamp=1563176582848}, 

inputMessage=GenericMessage [payload=BEY\finalBEY.csv, headers={file_originalFile=BEY\FEFOexportBEY.csv, id=a2f029b0-2609-1a11-67ef-4f56c7dd0752, file_name=finalBEY.csv, file_relativePath=finalBEY.csv, timestamp=1563176582787}]]

    2019-07-15 10:43:02.951 DEBUG 4280 --- [ask-scheduler-2] o.s.b.i.launch.JobLaunchingGateway       : jobLaunchingGateway received message: GenericMessage [payload=JobLaunchRequest: orderJob, parameters={file_path=C:\Java Programs\spring4ftpappftp\BEY\finalBEY.csv, dummy=1563176582946}, headers={file_originalFile=BEY\FEFOexportBEY.csv, id=c98ad6cb-cced-c911-1b93-9d054baeb9d0, file_name=finalBEY.csv, file_relativePath=finalBEY.csv, timestamp=1563176582951}]

2019-07-16 08:35:29.442  INFO 10208 --- [nio-8081-exec-3] o.s.i.channel.PublishSubscribeChannel    : Channel 'application.FTPOutp' has 1 subscriber(s).
2019-07-16 08:35:29.442  INFO 10208 --- [nio-8081-exec-3] o.s.i.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer       : started 1o.org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#3
2019-07-16 08:35:29.442  INFO 10208 --- [nio-8081-exec-3] o.s.i.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer       : Adding {message-handler} as a subscriber to the '1o.subFlow#1.channel#0' channel
2019-07-16 08:35:29.442  INFO 10208 --- [nio-8081-exec-3] o.s.integration.channel.DirectChannel    : Channel 'application.1o.subFlow#1.channel#0' has 1 subscriber(s).
2019-07-16 08:35:29.442  INFO 10208 --- [nio-8081-exec-3] o.s.i.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer       : started 1o.subFlow#1.org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#1
2019-07-16 08:35:29.442  INFO 10208 --- [nio-8081-exec-3] o.s.i.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer       : Adding {bridge} as a subscriber to the 'FTPOutp' channel
2019-07-16 08:35:29.442  INFO 10208 --- [nio-8081-exec-3] o.s.i.channel.PublishSubscribeChannel    : Channel 'application.FTPOutp' has 2 subscriber(s).

Since you are using a SyncTaskExecutor the batch job should run on the calling thread and then followed by the FTP adapter.

Use DEBUG logging and follow the message flow to see why that's not happening.

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