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j_security_check filter is not working in jboss eap 6.4

I searched fıor a solution on internet and could not find anything.

My Issue is about using j_security_check on my login.jsp to filter and forward it to postloginfilter.java.

To do so I have wrote these lines in web.xml



But even though when I call a forward like this :

final String requestStr = "/j_security_check?j_username=" + reqUserId 
+ "&j_password="+ reqPassword;

req.getRequestDispatcher(requestStr).forward(req, resp);

It is not coming into postloginfilter.java at all. and showing me an empty blank page.

What I want is going to postloginfilter doing the job and following the chain as listed on web.xml.

I also do not see if this filter works too.


CreateConnectionAndGetEntityNames is actually the one which shows the form. But when I go there breakpoints are not taking effect in postloginfilter.

What might be the reason and how can I solve this issue?

thanks in advance.

As far as I know, the FormAuthenticator is implemented as a JBossWeb valve. As a result, it would be expected for JBoss j_security_check requests not to invoke any application servlet filter. You could implement such filters as valves instead.

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