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SetState on object property in array

In my state, I want to update an object property on the first item in an array of objects. The object property isn't changing, even though I am taking steps to ensure immutability.

this.state = { 
    myFruits: [{a: false, b: 2, c: 'apple'}, {'a': false, b: 4, c: 'kiwi'}, ...],
    otherCategory: {} 

/// further down the code in componentDidUpdate

{ myFruits } = this.state;

let copyFruits = [...myFruits];
let newFruit = { ...copyFruits[0], a : true };
// console.log(newFruit): {a: true, b: 2, c: 'apple'}
copyFruits[0] = newFruit;
// console.log(copyFruits[0)] = {a: true, b: 2, c: 'apple'}
this.setState({ myFruits: copyFruits  });

// the end result is the same as the original state, where the first item, apple, has a : false instead of expected a : true

This change is being made in componentDidUpdate, and I'm not sure if this has any effect.

I guess the problem is that your componetDidUpdate method is not getting called. The code you have written here is perfectly fine.

class SolutionExample extends React.Component {
    this.state = { 
myFruits: [{a: false, b: 2, c: 'apple'}, {'a': true, b: 4, c: 'kiwi'}],
otherCategory: {} 
changeKey =() =>{
    let { myFruits } = this.state;
    let copyFruits = [...myFruits]
    let newFruit = { ...copyFruits[0], a : true };

copyFruits[0] = newFruit;
this.setState({ myFruits: copyFruits  });
        // this method is called whenever the state is changed  }
render() {
    let { myFruits  }  = this.state;
    return (

            {myFruits.map((item) =>{
                    return(<h2>{item.b + '-' + item.c}</h2>)
            <button onClick={this.changeKey}>Change state</button>

ReactDOM.render(<SolutionExample />, document.getElementById('example')); 

Here is the link : https://codepen.io/anon/pen/pXYdWQ

You can simplify your change to:

const { myFruits } = this.state;

let newFruit = { ...myFruits[0], a : true };

this.setState({ myFruits: [newFruit, ...myFruits.splice(1)]  });

Also, a better approach is to map and update the object that you need by an id or any unique identifier.

 myFruits: myFruits.map(fruit => {
   if(fruit.c === "apple") {
     fruit.a = true
     return fruit;

   return fruit;

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