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Add ads admob in React-native

I am using expo to debug an application. In debug mode ( expo start ) advertising is correctly displayed

on when I build the application ( expo build: android ) advertising is not displayed

when using the test key, the advertisement works correctly in apk

checked the key. google admob it's active

Do I need to make some settings to display admob ads

I watched the documentation there described only about inserting the code into the program. I use the library expo-ads-admob

<View style = {{ width: '100%', alignItems: 'center' }}>
            testDeviceID="EMULATOR" />
        <TouchableHighlight onPress={() =>{this.props.navigation.navigate('SearchObjectPage');} style={{
           marginTop: 30,
           width: '90%',
           padding: 10, 
           backgroundColor: '#a1cfed',
          <View style={{flexDirection:'row'}}>
            <Image source={require('./src/red.png')} style={ styles.button } resizeMode="contain"/><Text style = { styles.text }>{'check'}</Text>

For simulators/emulators you can use EMULATOR for the test device ID.

However, if you create an apk, the divice will not run because it is not an emulator.

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