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Cannot open .exe after pyinstaller convert

Running my GUI application created in PyQt5 using any IDLE or the file.py is running perfectly, however, when I converted the .py to .exe using Pyinstaller I get an error every time I try to run the .exe file for some reason a small command window pops with an error and immediately disappear I screenshot the error before it closes. Any Idea Thanks in advance

Error image .

I tried to execute different commands for pyinstaller but no luck.

<pyinstaller filename -F > 
<pyinstaller filename -onefile >
<pyinstaller filename >

It's an app over 900 lines and I cannot upload all of that but I think according to the error first lines. The error occurs so here are the lines of code. The problem is within importing modules I believe.

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from datetime import datetime
import time
import os, sys  #importing system modules

class Ui_MyTrophiesWindow(object):
    class save_txt_file(QWidget): 
     def GetSaveFile(self):
            path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Save MyTrophies.txt here", "MyTrophies", "*.txt")
            working_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)[0:-13]
            file = open(str(working_path) + "Txtpath.dat", "w+")
            for i in path:

It is very common that sometimes PyInstaller won't recognize all Qt5 dependencies especially QT core DLLs. A simple way is to just locate that file on your current Python path and feed it with add-data flag in PyInstaller. Also, I suggest you not to use upx with PyQt as it may corrupt some DLLs:

pyinstaller --noupx -F --add-data "<Python_path>/Lib/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt/bin/Qt5Core.dll;./PyQt5/Qt/bin" script.py

To verify the answer suppose below example:

import traceback
import os
import sys

def func():
   from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget
   from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

   if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
   print("Import OK!")
except Exception:


After you run the executable you would see the path for Pyinstaller (something like C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\_MEI90202 ), go to this path and search for the Qt5Core.dll and check if it is there.

I had look your error and according to me, I think you need to (re)install Qt5core.dll module and to add it in the site-package/PyQt5/ init .py path. You can download the dll file here:


Good evening

Make sure that you have all the items of that app in the correct folder. Let me put an example that happened to me days ago:

I had an app with a folder named "options" that had 3 files (2 icons for my buttons ui and a .ini file). When I created the pyinstaller version of my program I assumed that it would somehow copy those files and pack them inside the --onefile file or into the dist folder (if not --onefile command was used). Nope, it didn't. After scratching my head for hours, I just copied the options folder from my source files and pasted it next to my --onefile file (or inside the dist folder).

After that, my app works without issues. So... make sure it has all the files it needs in the correct folders.

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