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Why Visual Studio 2019 is not creating Content, AppData, Scripts folder

I have installed Visual Studio 2019 community edition. When I am creating a .NET Core MVC project, Visual Studio is not creating the desired folders structure.

I have followed the Visual Studio 2019 wizard to create an MVC project. One other problem I am facing is that .NET 2.2 is not available while the selection of the environment, So I am using 2.1 here. Please help.

My Folder Structure contains:

Connected Services





MODEL (Folder),

VIEWS (Folder),




这是新的asp core mvc结构。您要做的就是将静态文件放在wwwroot文件夹中,使用startup.cs而不是旧的app-start,也可能是应用程序设置的appsettings。

Asp Core Mvc does not create those directories.

Asp Core Mvc directories structure:

  • Application files

  • Configuration files

  • Static assets

  • Packages

  • A runtime (self-contained deployment only)

You can read and learn more about that here : ASP.NET Core directory structure

ASP.NET Documentation

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