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Visual studio 2019 Add Area missing

Currently, I created a ASP.NET Core Web app using VS2019, came across that 'Add Areas' option is missing from Context menu.


I tried this solution and Add New Scaffolded Item but there is no MVC Area option in below window:


Just right click on the project name and add a New Folder named Areas. Be sure that the name is exactly Areas. After that, you can right click on area Folder and add a new area. Good luck

Apparently this option has not been deleted and has only been moved to the Common section


要添加新区域,请在解决方案资源管理器中右键单击应用程序名称 -> 选择添加 -> 选择新建脚手架项 -> 从对话框的中间窗格中选择 MVC 区域 -> 输入名称 -> 单击确定。

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