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Vue - Vuex: store not updating when calling action from a child component

I am pulling my hair out over this. I am a Vue noob and am trying to build a User Selector.

The User Selector component is a child component that is supposed to display all users in a then I have an @change handler to update the currentUser variable in the vuex store.

I think I am using actions and mutations correctly but for some reason it won't set the currentUser to the payload.


  <select class="user-selector" v-model="currentUser" @change="handleChange($event)">
    <option v-for="user in users" :key="user" :value="user">User {{ user }}</option>

export default {
  name: "UserSelector",
  methods: {
    handleChange(event) {
      this.$store.dispatch("setCurrentUser", event.currentTarget.value);
  computed: {
    users() {
      return this.$store.getters.users;
    firstUser() {
      return this.users[0];
    currentUser: {
      get: function() {
        return this.$store.getters.currentUser;
      set: function(newCurrentUser) {
        this.$store.dispatch("setCurrentUser", event.currentTarget.value);
  updated() {
    const { firstUser } = this;
    if (firstUser) {
      this.$store.dispatch("setCurrentUser", firstUser);

and my store.js is the following:

import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";


export default new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    todos: {},
    users: [],
    currentUser: 0
  getters: {
    todos(state) {
      return state.todos;
    users(state) {
      return state.users;
    currentUser(state) {
      return state.currentUser;
  mutations: {
    setTodos(state, payload) {
      state.todos = { ...payload };
    setUsers(state, payload) {
      state.users = [...payload];
    setCurrentUser(state, payload) {
      state.currentUser = payload;
  actions: {
    setTodos(context, payload) {
      context.commit("setTodos", payload);
    setUsers(context, payload) {
      context.commit("setUsers", payload);
    setCurrentUser(context, payload) {
      context.commit("setCurrentUser", payload);

Can someone please let me know what I am doing wrong? If I console.log the payload in setCurrentUser in mutations, it is correctly passing the new user key however after calling

state.currentUser = payload

the value of the currentUser in state remains as its default, which is 0. When I debug with with Vue dev tool, I can also see that the currentUser in the state remains unchanged.

Please help!

I think there is conflict between v-model and @change handle. Please try changing v-model to :value and remove get set in computed:

<select class="user-selector" :value="currentUser" @change="handleChange($event)">
  <option v-for="user in users" :key="user" :value="user">User {{ user }}</option>

  computed: {
    currentUser: {
      return this.$store.getters.currentUser;

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