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Error when running Windows Mobile application

I am writing a hello world program for Windows Mobile, just for the fun of it. (I am aware that it is a dead platform)

Here is my code:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace HelloWorld
    class HelloWorldForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        Label lblHello;
        Button btnClose;

        public HelloWorldForm()
            this.Text = "Hello, world!";
            btnClose = new Button();
            lblHello = new Label();
            btnClose.Click += new EventHandler(btnClose_Click);
            btnClose.Text = "Close";
            btnClose.Location = new Point (10, 100);
            btnClose.Size = new Size(200, 50);
            lblHello.Text = "Hello, world! - From the Tectra team";
            lblHello.Location = new Point(10, 10);
            lblHello.Size = new Size(200, 50);

        void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs args)

        static void Main()
            HelloWorldForm helloworld = new HelloWorldForm();
            Application.Run( helloworld );

I used the C# Compiler in SDK Command Prompt. When I run the exe it works fine in Windows 10. When I run it in the Windows Mobile emulator, however, I get this error:

File or assembly name 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089', or one of its dependencies, was not found.

Do I need a newer version of the .NET Compact Framework? Any help is welcome as I am quite perturbed about this problem. Thank you!

I found a way to make it work without VS 2008. I used the SDK Command Prompt. I found the command here: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/31861/Windows-Mobile-Development-Without-Visual-Studio . My app runs fine in the emulator. Thanks for the help!

What you need is VS 2008 (no typo) and the Windows Mobile 6.x SDKs installed on your maschine. Newer versions of Visual Studio do not support compact framework

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