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I have question about component of Github project?

I'm newer developer. In the project https://github.com/abdularis/Word-Search-Game have issue. there is no "com.aar.app.wordsearch.di.component.DaggerAppComponent". Author answered "That's should be automatically generated by gradle for dagger2". What is it? How to understand it? I opened it with Android Studio, what I do wrong?

For cloning project from the terminal.

Step 1: Click this button:


Clone or download button

Step 2: Copy the link. https://github.com/abdularis/Word-Search-Game.git

Step 3: Open the terminal, make sure you are in the folder where you want to clone the project.

enter command:

git clone https://github.com/abdularis/Word-Search-Game.git.

Step 4: after Android Studio builds your project. Click on Build -> Rebuild

when you rebuild your DaggerAppComponent will be Generated.

Open Android Studio, go to the files -> New -> Project from Version Control -> Git. Check the following image.


Then paste the URL for cloning as follows.


Then wait for Android Studio to load the program and sync with gradle to download necessary dependencies. Make sure that you have a working internet connection while you do that. Hope that helps!

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