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INSERT if record doesn't exist, UPDATE if exists

I am trying to make a TS3 bot with Node.js Library from Multivit4min (github) The bot should do this: (Here's table: nick (txt)| cldbid (int)| clid(txt) | lastChannel (int) btw. clid which is client id is supposed to be unique ID of client)

Event #1 - client connects to a server:

  • Check if record with client.UID exists in database: yes: update its lastChannel to event.channel.channelId no: insert client.nick,cldbid,UID and event.channel.channelId

Event #2 - client moves to another channel:

  • Update lastChannel to event.channel.channelId

Event #3 - client moves to a specific channel:

  • search record by his UID and save his lastChannel into a variable

Generally I know how to do parts with Node but I struggle with SQL because all the time it shows some errors or doesn't work as it should.

I tried many queries but none of them worked. The best I have done is some code from other thread here on stack that was 'REPLACE' and it should automatically check if it exists and then update or if doesn't exist - then insert. But always it was creating more and more copies of a record.

Here's some of my code:

ts3.on("clientconnect", event => {
        sql.query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `clid`= " + event.client.getUID(), 

        function(err, result){
                console.log(time.get() + "Error SQL: " + err)
                if(row && row.length){
                    sql.query("REPLACE INTO users (nick, cldbid, clid, lastChannel) VALUES ('" + event.client.nickname + "','" + event.client.getDBID() + "','" + event.client.getUID() + "','" + config.lastChannel + "');",
                        if (err){
                            console.log(time.get() + `Dodano użytkownika ${event.client.nickname} do bazy danych`)


I don't really want you to create whole code for me. I am just asking for SQL queries with eventual "ifs" because as you can see, my 4th idea (I said earlier I was trying many ways) was based on SELECT and depending on a result, UPDATE or INSERT a record.

Feel free to ask about vars, code etc., I got whole night..

I came up with code like here:

sql.query("INSERT INTO users (nick,cldbid,clid,lastChannel) VALUES('"+event.client.nickname+"',"+event.client.getDBID()+",'"+event.client.getUID()+
        "',"+config.lastChannel+") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE lastchannel="+event.channel.cid+";", 

        function(err, result){
                log.clog("Blad SQL #clientmoved: " + err)
                log.clog("Pomyslnie addded/updated record of "+event.client.nickname)

And now I need help how to save 1 parameter from column x of a record to a variable. (int)

To answer the original question, you want ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE . More importantly though, your code is vulnerable to SQL injection.

You should never insert the values directly into your query like that. Consider the example:

db.query("INSERT INTO messages (message, username) VALUES ('" + message + "', "' + username + ')");

If the username was my authenticated username, but the message was whatever value I typed into the UI, I could pretend to be someone else by sending a message like: I am stupid', 'someone_else') --

The SQL would then look like:

INSERT INTO messages (message, username)
VALUES ('I am stupid', 'someone_else') --', 'my_username')

The --', 'my_username') bit is treated as a comment, so it looks like someone_else said I am stupid . This is one of the most common and easily exploitable vulnerabilities in web applications.

Solution 1

You could parameterise your query:

  INSERT INTO messages (message, username)
  VALUES (?, ?)
`, [message, username]);

This is secure, but harder to read (in my opinion) and you have to be very careful to always do this consistently.

For your example, this would look like:

sql.query("INSERT INTO users (nick,cldbid,clid,lastChannel) VALUES(?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE lastchannel=?;", 
  [event.client.nickname, event.client.getDBID(), event.client.getUID(), config.lastChannel, event.channel.cid],
        function(err, result){
                log.clog("Blad SQL #clientmoved: " + err)
                log.clog("Pomyslnie addded/updated record of "+event.client.nickname)

Solution 2

https://www.atdatabases.org provides database APIs that are relatively easy to use, and totally safe from this kind of attack. You would just do:

import connect, {sql} from '@databases/pg';

const db = connect();

  INSERT INTO messages (message, username)
  VALUES (${message}, ${username})

to safely execute the same query. The sql tag ensures the data is properly handled/escaped and @databases/pg automatically enforces that you always add the sql tag. NB there are then no quotes around the parameters.

For your example that would be something like

db.query(sql`INSERT INTO users (nick,cldbid,clid,lastChannel) VALUES(${event.client.nickname},${event.client.getDBID()},${event.client.getUID()},${config.lastChannel}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE lastchannel=${event.channel.cid};`).then(
  result => log.clog("Pomyslnie addded/updated record of "+event.client.nickname),
  err => log.clog("Blad SQL #clientmoved: " + err),

I came up with code like here:

sql.query("INSERT INTO users (nick,cldbid,clid,lastChannel) VALUES('"+event.client.nickname+"',"+event.client.getDBID()+",'"+event.client.getUID()+
        "',"+config.lastChannel+") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE lastchannel="+event.channel.cid+";", 

        function(err, result){
                log.clog("Blad SQL #clientmoved: " + err)
                log.clog("Pomyslnie addded/updated record of "+event.client.nickname)

And now I need help how to save 1 parameter from column x of a record to a variable. (int)

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