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Windows equivalent to UNIX pwd

How do I find the local path on Windows in a command prompt?

This prints it in the console:

echo %cd%

or paste this command in CMD, then you'll have pwd :

(echo @echo off
echo echo ^%cd^%) > C:\WINDOWS\pwd.bat


Open notepad as administrator and write:

@echo %cd%

Save it in c:\\windows\\system32\\ with the name "pwd.cmd" (be careful not to save pwd.cmd.txt)

Then you have the pwd command.

cd ,

it will give the current directory

D:\Folder\subFolder>cd ,

cd without any parameters is equivalent to pwd on Unix/Linux.

From the console output of typing cd /? :

Displays the name of or changes the current directory.


Type CD without parameters to display the current drive and directory.

You can just type


it will return you the current path.

hmm - pwd works for me on Vista...

Final EDIT : it works for me on Vista because WinAvr installed pwd.exe and added \\Program Files\\WinAvr\\Utils\\bin to my path.

C:\Documents and Settings\Scripter>echo %cd%
C:\Documents and Settings\Scripter

C:\Documents and Settings\Scripter>

for Unix use pwd command

Current working directory

In PowerShell pwd is an alias to Get-Location so you can simply run pwd in it like in bash

It can also be called from cmd like this powershell -Command pwd although cd or echo %cd% in cmd would work just fine

只需在命令行中写入echo %cd%

It will show you the current path in the console, use the below command

echo %cd%



dir | find "Directory"

You can simply put "." the dot sign. I've had a cmd application that was requiring the path and I was already in the needed directory and I used the dot symbol.

Hope it helps.

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