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How can I validate a token?

I have a laravel passport api, on my front end that is in react I created a private route, in this private route I called a checkAuth function, to know the user is authenticated, but for now I did this function passing only true or false to To test, as I am a beginner, when I tried to check if the token is true or not, I ended up crashing, because I do not know how to do or where to start, I would need a practical example, if someone can help me, thank you!

Even checking username and password, generating the token and storing it in local storage is ok. I just need to check if this token is true or unchanged.

Just use auth:api middleware. This is just a simple routes file example.

Route::get('/validate-token', function () {
    return ['data' => 'Token is valid'];

Also you might want to checkout the Passport Documentation

You Can Add Middleware on the route directyly as mentioned in previous answer You can also use this condition

if (auth()->guard('api')->check()){
//do some thing

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