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Little program crashes after taking a input

I'm absolutely new to C language and computer science. I'm still learning how to code. This down below is a little program I wrote which converts the height in cm to feet and inches, however, the terminal crashes after it takes the height_cm as an input. I thought for a long time but cannot figure out the reason behind it.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    float height_cm;
    float feet=(int)(height_cm/2.54)/12;
    float inch=(height_cm/2.54);

    while(height_cm > 0)
        printf("Enter a height in centimeters(<=0 to quit): ");
        scanf("%.2f", &height_cm);
        printf("%.2f = %d feet, %.2f inches", height_cm,feet,inch);
    return 0;

Your main problem: You are referencing a unassigned variable height_cm when you are calculating feet and inches . This is going to produced a undefined behavior because the value in that variable is a junk value. The below snipped of code addresses some of you other problems, such as using %.2f in scanf , and performs your desired logic.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    float height_cm; // Currently junk value
    int feet;        // Currently junk value
    float inch;      // Currently junk value

    // Keep calculating feet / inches as long as the entered hight is positive
    do {
        printf("Enter a height in centimeters(<=0 to quit): ");
        scanf("%f", &height_cm); // Can only use "%.2f for printf not scanf"

        // Output results
        printf("%.2f = %d feet, %.2f inches", height_cm,feet,inch);
    while (height_cm > 0);


    return 0;

You're specifying %d for your feet variable which is quite clearly a float , though oddly it's a float based on a rounded value, so you could use int if you wanted.

Turn on warnings like -Wall to be alerted to simple mistakes like this.

You'll also want to check for uninitialized variables as these are the primary source of crashes.

You can't use while on a variable that isn't defined. You must define it first.

Consider restructuring:

float height_cm;

while (true)
    printf("Enter a height in centimeters(<=0 to quit): ");
    scanf("%.2f", &height_cm);

    if (height_cm > 0) {
      int feet = (height_cm/2.54)/12;
      float inch = (height_cm/2.54) % 12; // Don't forget to modulo

      printf("%.2f = %d feet, %.2f inches", height_cm,feet,inch);
    else {

Due to how you're asking for input and looping around it you'll want to conditionally break rather than express the break condition in the while itself.

As others have stated, you are checking height_cm before assigning it a value. You can make a simple change to execute the loop at least once prior to checking for 0 by replacing the while with a do ... while loop:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
    float height_cm;
    float feet=(int)(height_cm/2.54)/12;
    float inch=(height_cm/2.54);

        printf("Enter a height in centimeters(<=0 to quit): ");
        scanf("%.2f", &height_cm);
        printf("%.2f = %d feet, %.2f inches", height_cm,feet,inch);
        } while(height_cm > 0);
    return 0;

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