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How to create multiple dataframes with lapply()?

I want do same things to create different data frames, can I use lapply achieve?

I tried to did it but not succeed

lapply(xx, function(x){

I hope I can get two data frames ,like


You could try using sapply over the xx vector of names to populate a list with the data frames:

lst <- list()
xx <- c("a1", "b1")
sapply(xx, function(x) {
    lst[[x]] <- data.frame(c(1,2,3,4), "1")

Then, you may access each data frame using the list, eg lst$a1 .

An option that assigns to the .Globalenv . This as pointed out is less efficient but was provided to answer the OP's question as is:

lapply(xx, function(x) assign(x,data.frame(A=c(1,2,3,4),

You can then call each data frame with their names. a1 , b1 .

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