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Having trouble using click events with ionic-calendar 2

I am trying to use a (click) event for ionic-calendar 2 where it disables a button if the user clicks on a date that has already passed, my problem is that when I first click on a passed date the button is not disabled, but the second time I press it it disables the button, it seems as if the calendar itself is not recognizing that someone clicked on a different date at the time of the first click.


 <calendar (click)='passedDate()' [eventSource]='eventSource'

  <button ion-button (click)='appointments()' id="date" block [disabled]="block"> 


  eventSource =[];
  viewTitle: string;
  selectedDay =  new Date();
  block = false; //If user clicks on a date that has already passed this value turns true
  calendar = {
    mode: 'month',
    currentDate: ''


    this.viewTitle = title;

   this.selectedDay = ev.selectedTime;

    const date = new Date();

    if(this.selectedDay < date){
      this.block = true;
    else { this.block = false;} 

This is my first time using ion-calendar 2 so I am not sure how click events are supposed to work on it, but I am expecting that if a user clicks on a date that has already passed it instantly disables the button.

Instead of (click)=“passedDate()” you could try (onCurrentDateChanged)="passedDate($event)" .

Like this:

 <calendar [eventSource]="eventSource"
        (onRangeChanged)="reloadSource(startTime, endTime)"

And in typescript like this:

    const date = new Date();


    if(selectedDate < date){
      this.block = true;
    else { this.block = false;} 

Stackblitz with working example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ionic-web9ga

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