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Convert a 5 level dictionary (with pd.Series as value into a pandas DataFrame

Original question: I am using python 3. I have some 4 level dictionary and 5 level dictionary. I want to convert this multilevel dictionary into a pandas DataFrame with a recursive function

To simplified my question and test my function, I generated a 3 level dictionary as shown below and to try my recursive function. I understand that with this 3 levels nested dictionary, there are many other ways to solve the problem. But, I feel only recursive function can be easily applied to solve the problem on 4 levels, 5 levels or more levels dictionary

To create a simplified 3-level dictionary:

from collections import defaultdict
def ddict():
    return defaultdict(ddict)

tree = ddict()
tree['level1_1']['level2_1']['level3_1'] = <pd.Series1>
tree['level1_1']['level2_1']['level3_2'] = <pd.Series2>
tree['level1_1']['level2_2']['level3_1'] = <pd.Series3>
tree['level1_1']['level2_2']['level3_2'] = <pd.Series4>
tree['level1_2']['level2_1']['level3_1'] = <pd.Series5>
tree['level1_2']['level2_1']['level3_2'] = <pd.Series6>
tree['level1_2']['level2_2']['level3_1'] = <pd.Series7>
tree['level1_2']['level2_2']['level3_2'] = <pd.Series8>

Inspired by Bart Cubrich below, I revised xx's code and put my solution here

import collections
def tree2df (d, colname):
        1. d               (a nested dict, or a tree, all values are pd.Series)
        2. colname         (a list)

        1. a pd.DataFrame  
    def flatten(d, parent_key='', sep='-'):
        items = []
        for k, v in d.items():
            new_key = str(parent_key) + str(sep) + str(k) if parent_key else k
            if isinstance(v, collections.MutableMapping):
                items.extend(flatten(v, new_key, sep=sep).items())
                items.append((new_key, v))
        return dict(items)
    flat_dict = flatten (d)  
    levels, vals = zip(*[(tuple(level.split('-')),val) for level, val in flat_dict.items()])
    max_level = np.max(np.array([len(l) for l in levels]))
    if len(colname) != max_level:
        print ("The numbers of column name is invalid because of moer than maximum level: %s.\nNothing will be returned. Please revise the colname!"%max_level)
        colname += ['Old index']
        s = pd.concat(list(vals), keys = list(levels), names = colname)
        s = pd.DataFrame(s)
        return s

BlockEvent_TS_df = tree2df (BlockEvent_TS_tree, ['ID','Session','Trial type','Block', 'Event name'])

The 5-level nested dictionary is in the same idea as 3-level one:

tree['level1_1']['level2_1']['level3_1']['level4_1']['level5_1'] = <pd.Series1>
tree['level1_2']['level2_2']['level3_2']['level4_2']['level5_2'] = <pd.Series32>

Because I have a large dataset, so it's very complicated to show the whole nested dictionary here. But, the idea is like this. And later on, I want to have 6 col, 5 col to store each level and one column is for value.

I've tried the code above and it works well for me. The speed is also very decent.

Thanks for all your help!

You need:

format_ = {(level1_key, level2_key, level3_key): values
 for level1_key, level2_dict in tree.items()
 for level2_key, level3_dict in level2_dict.items()
 for level3_key, values      in level3_dict.items()}
df = pd.DataFrame(format_, index=['Value']).T.reset_index()


     level_0    level_1      level_2    Value
0   level1_1    level2_1    level3_1    1
1   level1_1    level2_1    level3_2    2
2   level1_1    level2_2    level3_1    3
3   level1_1    level2_2    level3_2    4
4   level1_2    level2_1    level3_1    5
5   level1_2    level2_1    level3_2    6
6   level1_2    level2_2    level3_1    7
7   level1_2    level2_2    level3_2    8

So my solution would be to traverse the tree looking at all the keys and building out each elements path as an array then create the DataFrame from records. I split each of these steps into their own method.

There may be a more efficient approach, but this should get the job done. Hope this helps.

def traverse_tree(d, prefix='', results=[]):
    if type(d) is int:
        record = str(prefix).split(',')
        return results
    keys = d.keys()
    for key in keys:
        temp = prefix + ',' if prefix != '' else ''
        results = traverse_tree(d[key], temp + str(key), results)
    return results

def dict_to_df(d):
    res = traverse_tree(tree)
    labels = []
    for i in range(len(res[0]) - 1):
        labels.append('L' + str(i+1))
    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(res, columns=labels)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = ddict()
    tree['level1_1']['level2_1']['level3_1'] = 1
    tree['level1_1']['level2_1']['level3_2'] = 2
    tree['level1_1']['level2_2']['level3_1'] = 3
    tree['level1_1']['level2_2']['level3_2'] = 4
    tree['level1_2']['level2_1']['level3_1'] = 5
    tree['level1_2']['level2_1']['level3_2'] = 6
    tree['level1_2']['level2_2']['level3_1'] = 7
    tree['level1_2']['level2_2']['level3_2'] = 8
    df = dict_to_df(tree)

This version will work when there are various level depths, though it is messy looking.

import pandas as pd

from collections import defaultdict
def ddict():
    return defaultdict(ddict)

tree = ddict()
tree['level1_1']['level2_1']['level3_1'] = 1
tree['level1_1']['level2_1']['level3_2'] = 2
tree['level1_1']['level2_2']['level3_1'] = 3
tree['level1_1']['level2_2']['level3_2'] = 4
tree['level1_2']['level2_1']['level3_1'] = 5
tree['level1_2']['level2_1']['level3_2'] = 6
tree['level1_2']['level2_2']['level3_1'] = 7
tree['level1_2']['level2_2']['level3_2']['Level4_1'] = 8

import collections

def flatten(d, parent_key='', sep='-'):
    items = []
    for k, v in d.items():
        new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k
        if isinstance(v, collections.MutableMapping):
            items.extend(flatten(v, new_key, sep=sep).items())
            items.append((new_key, v))
    return dict(items)


for key in flat_dict.keys():

for level in levels:
    if len(level)>max_level: max_level=len(level)



for level,val in zip(levels,vals):
    for i in range(max_level):
        except IndexError:
            print('means this level has less than max')





          0         1         2         3  4
0  level1_1  level2_1  level3_1       NaN  1
1  level1_1  level2_1  level3_2       NaN  2
2  level1_1  level2_2  level3_1       NaN  3
3  level1_1  level2_2  level3_2       NaN  4
4  level1_2  level2_1  level3_1       NaN  5
5  level1_2  level2_1  level3_2       NaN  6
6  level1_2  level2_2  level3_1       NaN  7
7  level1_2  level2_2  level3_2  Level4_1  8

I got the flatten idea from Here

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