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How to custom validation unique multiple column in laravel

I have the contracts table with (id, name, company) And my rules:

public function rules()
    return [
        'name'    => 'required',
        'company' => 'required'

When I create

Contract one with id = 1, name = A, company = C

Contract two with id = 2, name = A, company = C. It's wrong.

Because I want a company cannot have the same contract name.

If contract two with id = 2, name = B, company = C. It's Okay.

So I want know how custom name and company fields to those two columns bind each other

You can use custom rule closure for this.

public function rules()
        return [
            'name' => [
                           function($attribute, $value, $fail) use($this){
                               $exists = \DB::('contracts')->where('company', $this->company)->where('name', $this->name)->exists();
                                   $fail($attribute.'already added for this company.');
            'company' => 'required'

I hope you understand.

You can see documentation here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/validation#custom-validation-rules

The following will work on the create

'name' => 'required|unique:contracts,name,'.$this->id.',NULL,id,company,'.$request->input('company')

The (undocumented) format for the unique rule is:

table[,column[,ignore value[,ignore column[,where column,where value]...]]]

Multiple "where" conditions can be specified, but only equality can be checked. A closure (as in the accepted answer) is needed for any other comparisons.

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