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Display data from table B after select option from table A

I want to display some data from table foom after select option from table factory. The select option is populated data from table factory.

The table design as the image below:

Image 1 = table factory

Image 2 = table room

(source: fbcdn.net )

Table Room
(source: fbcdn.net )

Here is my code for populate select option from table Factory only:

<p>Select Factory:</p>
            if($stmt = $link->query("SELECT * from factory")){

              echo "<select  id='exampleFormControlSelect1' name='Fac_Name' class='form-control'>";
              while ($row = $stmt->fetch_assoc()) {
              echo "<option value=$row[Fac_ID]>$row[Fac_Name]</option>";
              echo "</select>";
              echo $link->error;

If I select F05, I want to display all rooms that belong to F05 which are MR1 and MR2 in a PHP table.

I like to recommend to use ajax and create new file for execute room . You factory select have id exampleFormControlSelect1 so call ajax when select change

$(document).on('change', '#exampleFormControlSelect1', function() {
    var selectFactory = $(this).val();
       url: 'executeRoom.php', // that is optional name
       method: 'GET',
       dataType: 'json',
       data: { facId: selectFactory },
       success: function(d) {
         var roomOptions = "";
         for(var i in d) {
           roomOptions += "<option>" + d[i].columnName + "</option>";
         $("#roomSelect").html(roomOptions); // you should create select element for your room data


$facId = $_GET['facId'];
$result = [];
$stmt = $link->prepare("SELECT * from room where Fac_ID = ?");
foreach($stmt->fetchAll() as $row) {
     $result[] = ['facId' => $row['Fac_ID'], 'facName' => $row['Fac_Name']];
echo json_encode($result);

Here is the answer

I'll use PDO connection

require_once 'connection.php';

$GetFactory = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM factory");

echo '<form method="POST">';
echo '<select id="exampleFormControlSelect1" name="Fac_Name" class="form-control" onchange="this.form.submit()">';
foreach($GetFactory->fetchAll() as $factory){
       echo '<option value="{$factory[Fac_ID]}">{$row[Fac_Name]}</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '</form>';


   echo '<hr>';

   $GetRoom = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM room WHERE Fac_ID = ?");
   foreach($GetRoom->fetchAll() as $room){
     echo '<p>';
     echo $room['Room_Desc'];
     echo '</p>';

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