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Aspose.Cells - The File is Corrupted

When I try to open a text file to a xlsx format from Aspose.Cells with this code:

Excel.Workbook workbook = new Excel.Workbook(filePath, new Excel.TxtLoadOptions(Excel.LoadFormat.Xlsx) { SeparatorString = " " });

it crashes with the exception being The file is corrupted . This is only happening since yesterday.

I feel like nothing changed that could possibly affect the Aspose.Cells library from functionning correctly.

I have searched quite a bit online, but nothing really relates to a file being corrupted when opening it.

I thought at first that the text files were the issue, but I tried creating a new text file with the text: "test test1 test2"

Even with this new file it is still telling me it is corrupted.

Any ideas what the issue could be?

Thank you for your help.

EDIT : After further review and testing, by removing the parameter new Excel.TxtLoadOptions(Excel.LoadFormat.Xlsx) { SeparatorString = " " }

It works, but the text only gets put into one cell instead of splitting it between multiple cells. Any ideas of a workaround? Thanks.

Answering my own question...

In my case I was loading the text file into a .xlsx extension due to me wanting to save the file back to xlsx after applying formatting.

Turns out that the Aspose.cells API is not able to load a .txt as xlsx. However, you can load it as a CSV than save it as an xlsx after like so:

Excel.Workbook workbook = new Excel.Workbook(filePath, new Excel.TxtLoadOptions(Excel.LoadFormat.CSV) { SeparatorString = " " });

Hope this helps someone in the future.

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