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How to create a mac app from python files

I currently have a python application that runs perfectly from the CLI and when I run it from an IDE. I want to make it into an application that will launch in 1 click from any mac computer. (Like any desktop application). Ideally, I can send someone the file, they do a simple install, then the program works. I have tried using platypus (works great for 1 file programs) and other methods of bundling apps. But none of them seem to work as the program is kinda complex.

Program Requirements:

  • Python3

  • Python Libraries tkinter, socket, threading, PIL etc

  • ~8 individual python files (controlled by 1 main menu)

  • Lots of images

I would like to have an install process, where you click next a bunch of times and agree to things, but if this isn't possible I can live without it.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Use PyInstaller to build your package. I do not think they have an actual installer, but you could build your own GUI installer by using some CMD commands and something like tkinter.

I have used py2app for this in the past ( https://py2app.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ )

This article does a good job of explaining how to use it ( https://www.metachris.com/2015/11/create-standalone-mac-os-x-applications-with-python-and-py2app/ )

Basically you install the library and create a setup.py file that looks something like this

from setuptools import setup

APP = ['Sandwich.py']
APP_NAME = "SuperSandwich"

    'argv_emulation': True,
    'iconfile': 'app.icns',
    'plist': {
        'CFBundleName': APP_NAME,
        'CFBundleDisplayName': APP_NAME,
        'CFBundleGetInfoString': "Making Sandwiches",
        'CFBundleIdentifier': "com.metachris.osx.sandwich",
        'CFBundleVersion': "0.1.0",
        'CFBundleShortVersionString': "0.1.0",
        'NSHumanReadableCopyright': u"Copyright © 2015, Chris Hager, All Rights Reserved"

    options={'py2app': OPTIONS},

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