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How to prevent React hooks from erasing previous data while loading?

I'm trying react hooks and made my first component. Everything is working fine except a flickering problem wile data is loading, here's my component (a simple list of articles, with prev/next pagination) :

function InfoFeed ({ limit, uuid }) {
  const [currentIndex, setCurrentIndex] = useState(1)
  const { data, loading } = useQuery(gql(queries.InfoFeed), {
    variables: {
      offset: (articlesByPage * (currentIndex - 1))
  const { articles } = data

  const incrementCb = () => setCurrentIndex(currentIndex === maxPaginationIndex ? 1 : currentIndex + 1)
  const decrementCb = () => setCurrentIndex(currentIndex === 1 ? maxPaginationIndex : currentIndex - 1)

  return (
    <Panel title="Fil Info">
        {articles && articles.map((article, index) => (<InfoItem key={index} article={article}/>))}
      <button onClick={incrementCb}>next</button>
      <button onClick={decrementCb}>prev</button>

The problem is : when clicking on prev/next buttons, it launches a server request, loading is automatically set to true , and data is set to undefined . Data being undefined, the article list is empty while loading. I could show a spinner conditionnaly using the loading variable, but it's a pretty fast request (no spinner required), and it wouldn't prevent the previous data from disappearing, which is the cause of this unwanted flickering.

Any idea how to deal with this ? Thanks !

通过迁移到官方 @apollo/react-hooks 绑定解决,因为我使用的是https://github.com/trojanowski/react-apollo-hooks

DISCLAIMER: I have not used React hooks much, or Apollo at all. This answer is speculative.

From looking at the documentation for @apollo/react-hooks , I would try setting the fetchPolicy for your query to network-only . That way, it shouldn't return the initial data from the cache (which is empty) first.

const { data, loading } = useQuery(gql(queries.InfoFeed), {
  variables: {
    offset: (articlesByPage * (currentIndex - 1))
  fetchPolicy: 'network-only'

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