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Grid with round corners

Is there a better option to make a grid with rounded corners? Might this cause any problems?

(Example: Wanted is a corner-radius of 10 & background colour of #FF292A2E)

<Grid Height="300" Width="150" Background="Transparent"  >
                <Border x:Name="roundBorder" BorderThickness="0" CornerRadius="10" Background="#FF292A2E"/>


I imagine you more want the grid inside the border:

<Border x:Name="roundBorder" BorderThickness="0" CornerRadius="10" Background="#FF292A2E">
    <Grid Height="300" Width="150" Background="Transparent"  >


The Grid is just a means of laying out controls, so you first create Border with rounded corners and then add a Grid to this Border to which you can now add other things.

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