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After Scroll Into View How can I get an element's new absolute coordinates in Selenium Java?

Is there a way to return the new absolute co-ordinates of an off-screen element after it has scrolled into view?

I've tried refreshing the element by extracting it's xPath

String xPath = generateXpath(this.currentElement, "");
this.currentElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xPath));

Here is my current code:

//Output initial X, Y coordinates
System.out.println ("X: "+  String.valueOf(this.currentElement.getAttribute("offsetTop")));
System.out.println ("Y: "+ String.valueOf(this.currentElement.getAttribute("offsetLeft")));

//X: 495
//Y: 3109

//Scroll object into view at the bottom of the page
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView(false);", this.currentElement);

//Output new absolute X, Y coordinates
System.out.println ("X: "+  String.valueOf(this.currentElement.getAttribute("offsetTop")));
System.out.println ("Y: "+ String.valueOf(this.currentElement.getAttribute("offsetLeft")));

//Same as original coordinates
//X: 495
//Y: 3109

Expected results is the new absolute screen position

X: 495 Y: 997

First move the browser to the physical 0, 0 location on the desktop. Note: in some cases Selenium will place the browser a few pixels to the right of 0, 0. Thus the .setPosition may need to be offset for accuracy.

driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(-5,0)); //offset

Next use JavaScript to return the getBoundingClientRect().left and getBoundingClientRect().top values to return the x and y co-ordinates. Again offsets will need to be used for accuracy.

public static int getAbsY(WebDriver driver, WebElement element) {

     double y = (double) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
            "return arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect().top", element);
    return (int) y + 25;  //Offset


public static int getAbsX(WebDriver driver, WebElement element) {

    double x = (double) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
            "return arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect().left", element);
    return (int) x + 12;  //Offset


Finally use the Robot class to move the mouse to the element location to ensure location accuracy.

public static void moveMouseTo(WebDriver driver, WebElement element){

    int x =  getAbsX(driver, element);
    int y =  getAbsY(driver, element);

    Robot robot = null;
    try {
        robot = new Robot();
    } catch (AWTException e) {

    robot.mouseMove(x, y);



As for why one would want to do this: Professional level SDETs often will create element descriptions on the fly in their test automation frameworks. This will visually ensure the correct element has been located.

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