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Stream over nested HashMap with condition

Let's assume that we have some Map structere like below:

Map<Type, Map<String, String>> outterMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> innerMap1 = new HashMap<>();

innerMap1.put("1", "test1");
innerMap1.put("2", "test2");
innerMap1.put("3", "test3");
innerMap1.put("4", "test4");

Map<String, String> innerMap2 = new HashMap<>();

innerMap2.put("5", "test5");
innerMap2.put("6", "test6");
innerMap2.put("3", "test7");

outterMap.put(Type.TEXT, innerMap1);
outterMap.put(Type.INTEGER, innerMap2);

and we would like to print all values from innerMap with assigned Type enum. With foreach loop it would look like this:

for (Type type : outterMap.keySet()) {
    for (String value : outterMap.get(type).values()) {
        if(type.equals(Type.TEXT)) {
            System.out.println("TEXT: " + value);
        }else if(type.equals(Type.INTEGER)) {
            System.out.println("INTEGER: " + value);

So the output on console would looks like this:

TEXT: test1
TEXT: test2
TEXT: test3
TEXT: test4
INTEGER: test7
INTEGER: test5
INTEGER: test6

Is there any option to write it with help of the streams. I was able to use stream with lambda, and it looks like this:

outterMap.keySet().stream().forEach(type -> {
            .forEach(value -> {
                if(type.equals(Type.TEXT)) {
                    System.out.println("TEXT: " + value);
                } else if (type.equals(Type.INTEGER)) {
                    System.out.println("INTEGER: " + value);

Probably this:

         .flatMap(x -> outterMap.getOrDefault(x, Collections.emptyMap())
                                .map(y -> new SimpleEntry<>(x, y)))
         .forEachOrdered(entry -> {
               System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "  " + entry.getValue());

But this is by far less readable than what you have.

You can stream on the outer Map#entrySet and get each entry and print out the key of the outer Map.Entry and values of the inner Map in the forEach() callback:

         .forEach(e -> e.getValue()
                        .forEach(v -> System.out.println(e.getKey()+ " " + v)));


TEXT test1
TEXT test2
TEXT test3
TEXT test4

What about

outterMap.keySet().forEach(type -> outterMap.get(type)
        .map(value -> transform(type, value))


String transform(final Scratch.Type type, final String value) {
    return type + ": " + value;

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